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In memoria di Agustin Barrios Mangoré nel 80esimo anniversario della sua morte

un programma libero della durata fra 20 e 22 minuti contando dalla prima all’ultima nota

Il risulato del 54esimo Concorso Pittaluga

1° Premio: VERA DANILINA (Russia)
2° Premio: AUSIAS PAREJO (Spagna)
3° Premio: KATARZINA SMOLAREK (Polonia)

Il bando del 6-to Concorso Pittaluga Junior

Pubblicato il bando del 6-to Concorso, che si disputerà dal 30 settembre al 1 ottobre.

Il bando del 54-esimo Concorso

Pubblicato il bando del 54-esimo Concorso di Chitarra Classica, che si disputerà dal 26 settembre al 1 ottobre 2022.

Pubblicate alcune foto dellla manifestazione
Pubblicato il bando del 53-esimo Concorso di Chitarra Classica Michele Pittaluga
Pubblicate le modalità di partecipazione al Concorso Pittaluga Junior
Pubblicate le modalità di partecipazione al 53-esimo Concorso di Chitarra Classica Michele Pittalug
Pubblicato il bando del Concorso Pittaluga Junior
Concerto per un amico 2020

21 settembre 2020. Ore 20.30

Edizione 2020- 12esimo di Composizione e PITTALUGA ON AIR
Edizione 2020- 53rd Guitar competition postponed

Aggiornamenti sui Concorsi Pittaluga.


In memory of Julian Bream

Un grande ci ha lasciato......

Concorso di Composizione

Prorogato il termine per presentare la propria iscrizione

25 Concerto per un Amico

19 Giugno 2020

Chiesa di Santa Maria di Castello


5° Pittaluga Junior

benvenuti ai nuovi sponsor
Concorso internazionale di composizione

12° Concorso Internazionale di composizione (25/26 settembre 2020)


53^ Concorso Internazionale di Chitarra Michele Pittaluga (21/26 settembre 2020)

24 Concerto per un amico a Cassine

Giulio Tampalini alla chitarra e Michela Podera al flauto

We have the score!

Threnody for guitar by Stephen Goss obligatory piece in the 52nd Pittaluga guitar competition.

Rules 52nd online

full rules about 52 Pittaluga guitar competition


quattro concerti con il Pittaluga e la Gioventu' Musicale di Milano

Vojin Kocic at the Tchaikovskyi Hall in Moskow

invited as the 2018 Laureate of the Pittaluga guitar competition

19 Giugno 2019- Cassine- Abbazia di San Francesco
24 Concerto per un Amico
un Premio speciale di 1000 euro -Special prize of 1000 euro added
Sir Malcolm Arnold Prize to share between the finalists performing in the final round the Concerto op.67 by Malcolm Arnold. Thank to Mrs Catherine Louise Arnold!
Best wishes for Xmas 2018
Happy new year and best wishes for Christmas 2018
51st Michele Pittaluga International guitar competition Final results
In the hall of the old Theatre of Alessandria (opened just for this event) we celebrate the Final round of the 51 Pittaluga contest
Finalists announced
on 27 september 2018 the guitarists Daniel Egielman, Katarzyna Smolarek and Vojin Kocic will take part in the Finals of the 51st Pittaluga Competition
Semifinalists selected
on 26th September 8 semifinalists were announced Damiano Pisanello (Switzerland), Daniel Egielman (Poland), Katarzyna Smolarek (Poland), Giacomo Susani, Simone Rinaldo e Marco Pipe4rno (Italy), Vojin Kocic (Serbia), Szombor Sidoo (Hungary)
Accommodation in Alessandria
list of hotel & contact
Travel to Alessandria 2018
Closer Airport and useful addresses
23 Convegno Internazionale di chitarra
sabato 22 settembre 2018 Conservatorio A. Vivaldi Via Parma 1 Alessandria
51st Pittaluga International guitar competition
4th Pittaluga Junior under 16!!!
Rules 2018 - 51 Michele Pittaluga Int guitar competition and 4th Pittaluga Junior
Here the list of works in program at the 51 Michele Pittaluga International guitar competition
Jury at the 50th Pittaluga
Member of Jury attending the 50th International guitar competition M.Pittaluga
Winners at the 50th Pittaluga
Marko Topchii, Ukreaine, First Prize Jihyung Park, South Korea, Second Prize Giulia Ballare', Italy, third Prize
Invitation by web to the 50th Pittaluga and other events
our supporters
THANK for your generous support!
22th International guitar meeting
schedule and program of the 22nd International guitar meeting of Alessandria
New concert added!
for our next prizewinner we are improving the Concert tour.......
Ramirez Guitar new sponsor for Pittaluga Junior!
new sponsor: Ramirez guitar for Pittaluga Junior competition
49th Michele Pittaluga International guitar competition RESULTS
Last 1st October the 49th guitar competition was closed with the following results:
new sponsor!
The Jury at the 11th Michele Pittaluga International Composition for guitar Competition
The Jury at the 11th Michele Pittaluga International Composition for guitar Competition announced!
The Jury at the 49th Michele Pittaluga International guitar Competition
The Jury at the 49th Michele Pittaluga International guitar Competition
Alirio Diaz
il 5 Luglio 2016 a Roma e' venuto a mancare il grande chitarrista venezuelano
21-esimo Concerto per un amico
Sezzadio Abbazia di Santa Giustina 8 Giugno 2016 ore 21
49th M.Pittaluga International guitar competition
49 programma-rules-2016 devoted to Alexandre Tansman 30th Anniversary after his death-Special Prize!
49th Michele Pittaluga Int Guitar competition
Soon on line!
11th International guitar competition for composers
the rules are online!
48th Pittaluga Guitar competition
48th Michele Pittaluga Competition results
Pittaluga Junior
2nd Pittaluga Junior Competition Results
Competition for young guitar players
Invitation to perform in Moskow !
thank to Artyom Dervoed , the Philharmony and the Orchestra
20-esimo Convegno Internazionale di chitarra-XXth International guitar meeting of Alessandria
20-esimo Convegno Internazionale di chitarra pg2
Prizes at the Pittaluga JR 2015 !!!!
The 2015 Pittaluga JR
20-esimo Convegno Internazionale di chitarra-XXth International guitar meeting of Alessandria
20-esimo Convegno Internazionale di chitarra pg1
11th Competition for composers- 11 Concorso internazionale di composizione per chitarra
11th M.Pittaluga Competition for guitar composers 30 September- 1st October 2016 Rules- Regolamento
NEW! RODRIGO PRIZE for both the competition Junior and Senior
250 euro and scores from "Rodrigo ediciones" & "Rodrigo Foundation" at the Pittaluga Junior® 1750€ and scores to share between the Finalists at the Pittaluga Senior
Mappa per raggiungere la Badia di Sezzadio
right way for Sezzadio
Serata in ricordo di Michele Pittaluga presso l'Abbazia di Sezzadio 25 Giugno 2015 alle ore 21.15
Una chitarra in Premio anche al vincitore del Pittaluga JR
Un Premio aggiunto molto gradito. Benvenuto ad un nuovo sponsor!
Gendai Guitar for Pittaluga Junior 2015
The International Japanese magazine Gendai Guitar is offering some publications to the candidates enrolled at the Pittaluga Junior 2015 .
Naxos recording confirmed also in 2015/2016. Thanks to Norbert Kraft!!!!
The winner 2015 will record in Toronto (CA) his CD by Naxos recording in February 2016.
Program 2015 :Concierto de Aranjuez. 75 anniversary (1940-2015)
Compulsory pieces:
Competitions in 2015
48th Pittaluga guitar competition and Pittaluga Junior 2015
Sakurai Kohno guitar model MAESTRO-RF _NEW PRIZE_
Thanks Mr Masaki Sakurai, we will award the first Prize at the 48th Pittaluga guitar competition with a Guitar Sakurai Kohno model MAESTRO-RF (value 10000,00 €)
Ecco la Giuria del Pittaluga JUNIOR
The panel of Jurors at the 1st Pittaluga Junior.
Giuria 47 Concorso Pittaluga/Panel of Jurors at the 47th Int. Pittaluga guitar competition
Ecco i nomi dei Giurati che selezioneranno il vincitore del 47° Concorso Internazionale di chitarra M.Pittaluga
Pittaluga Junior 2014: We are ready!- New prizes
welcome to the candidates at the Pittaluga Junior! To the selected competitors a free masterclass at the Vivaldi Conservatorio, books, cds, scores, and a week in USA!soon more details.......
17 June 2014- 9PM - Roland Dyens in concerto at Santa Giustina Abbey in Sezzadio
"Classico nelle dita e Jazzista nella mente : Roland Dyens, un artista con la chitarra"
SPECIAL EDITION for Young Talents born after 1st January 1998
Website updated-
No competition for composers in 2014- we strongly hope to be able to announce next edition in 2016.
City map of Alessandria
The map of the city centre of Alessandria
Gendai guitar January 2013-Report on 45th Pittaluga guitar competition
Articolo apparso su Gendai guitar (Giappone) nel numero di Gennaio 2013
Competition for composers: winners updated......
Luis Ochoa from Venezuela won the 1st Prize Janko Raseta from Poland won the Audience Prize and Angel Gutierrez Faxas (Kiko) was Finalist at the Michele Pittaluga Int. Competition for composers.